Different Mediums of doing Da’wah
By Dr. Zakir Naik
There are two forms of Da’wah: (i) live and direct without any media and (ii) indirect through means of media.
Different Medias of Da’wah:
The media through which Da’wah can be done is broadly divided into four categories:
i) Print Media
ii) Audio
iii) Video
iv) Electronic Media
1. Print Media:
Print Media can be further classified into non-periodical and periodical: i) Non-periodical print media consists of literature: pamphlets, booklets, books, etc. ii) Periodical print media consists of newspapers, magazines, newsletters, etc. which are published periodically - either daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, annually, etc.
2. Audio:
The popular audio media today are: i) Audio cassettes ii) Audio compact discs iii) Digital Audio Tapes (DAT). The audio media can be used at different levels:
a) Individual:
i) A person can listen at fixed places like home, office, etc. with the help of desktop audio equipment. ii) While travelling in cars, buses, trains, planes, etc. with the help of audio equipmen fixed in the vehicle. iii) While walking, moving or any of the above situations with the help of portable audio equipment.
b) Group:
Audio media can be used to convey the message to a group of family members, social and cultural gatherings, functions, meetings, etc.
c) Public level:
Audio media can be utilised to reach a multitude of people through radio broadcast.
3. Video:
The popular video media today are:
i) Video Cassettes
ii) Video Compact Discs - VCD
iii) Digital Video Discs - DVD
Video media too, like audio media, can be used to convey the message to an individual or to a group of people. It can also be used to convey the message to the public via Cable T.V. Networks, T.V. Stations and Satellite T.V. Channels.
4. Electronic Media:
Electronic Media or Computer Media is another media that can be used to convey the message to an individual or a group of people. It can also be used at a public level through the Internet by way of web sites, homepages, bulletin boards, e-mail messages, etc. Electronic Media can be stored on hard discs and on:
i) Diskettes or floppies
ii) Compact Discs: Read Only Memory - CD ROMs
iii) Digital Video Discs - DVD
Effectiveness of Different Media -
Impact and Retention of Media:
1. Retention levels of different media:
Research has shown that different media have different percentage of retention of the message conveyed.
i) Print media - 10% retention: An average person when he reads any material he remembers approximately 10% of what he has read.
ii) Audio - 20% retention: An average person when he hears any message he remembers approximately 20% of what he has heard.
iii) Visual - 30% retention: An average person when he sees anything he retains or remembers approximately 30% of what he has seen.
iv) Video (Audio Visual) - 50 % retention: If an average person sees and hears a particular message he remembers about 50% of what he has seen and heard. The maximum retention is in the case of audio-video media since both the senses of sight and hearing are involved in grasping the message conveyed.
These first four types of media i.e. the print media, audio, video and electronic media, are mainly modes of one-way communication, i.e. conveying the message in one direction only without interaction and clarification from the person who receives the message. It is more of a monologue than a dialogue. A very minute portion of these media can be converted into an interaction or a dialogue, for e.g., a question and answer column in the periodical of the print media or a live question and answer session via the telephone on the radio or television channel or live chatting on the internet.
The major disadvantage is that it is one-sided, i.e. a monologue, rather than being both sided, i.e. a dialogue or a two-way interactive communication.