Song of Solomon 5:16

His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.
[Song of Solomon 5:16]

In Song of Solomon (or the Song of Songs), chapter 5, a description is given of person. If we analyse the description carefully, we can understand who is the person being described. But, the name of the person being described is mentioned in the above quoted verse (i.e. Song of Solomon 5:16), so lets cut the thing short. Obivously, no name is seen the English translation. Let us see what the Hebrew verse says.. The transliteration of the above verse:
"Hikko Mamittakim we kullo Muhammadim Zehdoodeh wa Zehraee Bayna Jerusalem"
Did you see something?? Did you see the name of the person being described??
Yes, its the Last and Final Messenger of God, Muhammad (blessings of Allaah and peace be upon him)!!

But then how is it that we cannot see it in the English translation?? Well actually, the translators have even translated the Proper Noun 'Muhammad' as 'altogether lovely'; hence a common man reading the English translation will never realise that Muhammad (blessings of Allaah and peace be upon him) has been prophecised in this verse!

The actual translation of Song of Solomon 5:16 should be:
"His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is Muhammad. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem"

Regarding the "im" used along with the name (in the transliteration):
In Hebrew language 'im' is added after a name to give respect. Hence the name of Muhammad (blessings of Allaah and peace be upon him) is being taken with respect!

Hence, Prophet Muhammad (blessings of Allaah and peace be upon him) is prophecised by name with respect in the Song of Solomon.