- Syed Asif Ali Shah
If an equation is given to solve that 1 + 0 = how much, the answer to this equation has to be only 1, any answer greater than 1 or less than 1 can never be true. In the same way any book claiming to be the word of God besides the Glorious Qur'an can be never be the Word of God, because as a Muslim, sincerely adhering to the original standards of all evidences available I proclaim proudly that the Glorious Qur'an is the only 100% verbatim Word of Allaah, of Almighty God.
There are three grades of evidences available in the Bible and you need not be a scholor of the Bible to tell this, because if you open the Bible at random you will find the words of God, words of Prophets and the words of Historians. Let me support my claim by providing an example for each of the evidence from the Bible.
Words of God: Book of Deuteronomy ch:18, v:18
Words of Prophet: Gospel of Mark ch:12, v:29
Words of Historians: Gospel of Mark ch:11, v:13
And no wonder the bulk of the Bible is a witnessing of this THIRD kind i.e., the Words of Historians. And the moment you say that apart from the words of God it also contains the words of some other people who were eye witness (or) heard it from hearsay then it is made crystal clear that its not 100% verbatim word of Almighty God. And if only one word from the complete Bible is proved that, that word is not from God, then by God the complete bible is not from God.
But then a questions arises, what is the Bible ?????
The Bible, it comes from the root Greek word "BIBLOS" which means a collection of books, a book of books (or) a library of books. The Bible contains 66 books of the Protestants and 73 books of the Roman Catholics. The complete Bible is divided into two parts namely the Old Testament and the New Testament. The surprising thing about the Bible is that, the word Bible by itself is not to be found anywhere in complete Bible except on the cover. Moreover Jesus Christ (peace be upon him), never heard this word in his entire life time for one single time and the reason behind this is because in the life time of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) there was not a single DOT or a DUDDLE written! Then i want to ask a question to my Christian brothers and sisters that from where did they get this encyclopedia, when nothing was written at the time of Jesus (peace be upon him) himself ????
Allaah says in the Glorious Qur'an in Surah Al Baqarah ch:2, v:79
"Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and then say, "This is from Allaah," to purchase with it a little price! Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for that they earn (there by)."