Assalaamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
You may give the header as "Dawah and Surah Rum" OR "Surah Rum and Psychology".
I know it’s a pretty big article. But it deserves a reading.
I’m presenting nothing of my own. Just the Qur'an with explanation.
And there is nothing more “doubtless” then the HOLY QUR'AN.
Kindly present ur views. And any queries if you have and any mistakes do correct me.
Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and mental states, and of human and animal behaviour. Deep thinking is an integral part to learning psychology.
Idleness is the parent of all psychology.
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844–1900), German philosopher and poet.
The Holy Prophet's isn't full of supernatural miracles like the life of other prophets. The main miracle of the Prophet was his "IKHLAQ" as we call it. The Prophet once said
" I have been sent to take the good manners to their climax"
and another time the prophet said
" I have been sent as a teacher "
Integrating the above too its not difficult to understand that the prophet's miracle was a miracle of psychology. He knew how to deal with people. He new which sort of atitude to be adopted when and where.
See the Prophet's life :
>> A non-muslim turning into a believer simply by listening to few verses of the Holy Qur'an from the Prophet's tongue
>> A non-muslim woman who was a strong enemy of the prophet turned into a believer on the account of the Prophet's manners
>> Even it happened once that many kuffar were listening to the recitation of the Prophet and suddenly they all went to Bow before ALLAH. They were not in their control.
Holy Prophet adopted all possible manners of Dawah:
>> Few turned to Islam because of its power (special in 9th Hijri after the invasion of Makkah) (Hazrat Abdullah Zal bajadain for instance)
>> Few turned to Islam after examining it intellectualy
>> Hazrat Abu Bakr turned without any hesitatation
>> Extrovert Behaviour:Once it happened so that the Quraish were punishing those who believed in the Prophet badly, Hazrat Hamza (who was not yet a muslim) came there. He became angry on seeing this and said " You are punishing them just because they are weak. Ok I am a Muslim too. Now Punish them " This was how he changed to Islam (This was an extrovert behaviour in Psychological terms)
>>Introvert Behaviour : Hazrat Umer for instance
See the Prophets life. In such a short time he had a lot of success. That was because of the method he adopted. In short adopting the right method at the right time for the right sort of person might yield us more success in Dawah. Verily changing the hearts is in ALLAH's hands but we have to try our best and thats our duty.
Now lets examine what the Quran has to say over that. The anchor part is Surah Rum Chapter no 30 Ruku no 3 Verse no 21-24
These verses say
And one of His signs is that He created mates for you from yourselves that you may find rest in them, and He put between you love and compassion; most surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect. [Al Qur'an 30:21]
And one of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your tongues and colors; most surely there are signs in this for the learned. [Al Qur'an 30:22]
And one of His signs is your sleeping and your seeking of His grace by night and (by) day; most surely there are signs in this for a people who would hear. [Al Qur'an 30:23]
And one of His signs is that He shows you the lightning for fear and for hope, and sends down water from the clouds then gives life therewith to the earth after its death; most surely there are signs in this for a people who understand [Al Qur'an 30:24]
The general format of the above verses is:
And one of His signs is that He…… (Then the signs are mentioned)…. most surely there are signs in this for a people who understand……. (Then the type of people are mentioned)
There are no less then 74 places in the holy Qur'an where ALLAH invited to discover his signs using the word 'signs'. The list of those 74 verses is as follows:
(2:73), (2:158), (2:164), (3:190), (6:99), (6:109), (10:5), (10:6), (10:67), (10:101), (13:2), (13:3), (13:4), (14:5), (15:75), (15:77), (16:11), (16:12), (16:13), (16:65), (16:67), (16:69), (16:79), (17:12), (18:17), (20:54), (20:128), (22:32), (22:36), (23:30), (26:8), (26:67), (26:203), (26:121), (26:174), (26:190), (27:52), (27:93), (29:15), (29:35), (29:44), (34:9), (34:15), (36:33), (36:37), (36:41), (30:21), (30:22), (30:23), (30:24), (30:25), (30:37), (30:46), (30:50), (31:31), (31:32), (32:26), (39:42), (39:52), (40:13), (40:81), (41:37), (41:39), (41:53), (42:29), (42:32), (42:33), (45:3), (45:4), (45:5), (45:13), (51:20), (51:37).
These are the signs related to emotions…. And what type of people get the benefit from them are those who THINK…. It is but natural that a person who thinks will develop EQ. (Emotional Quotient:Where I define EQ as the ability to feel emotions) And when he develops EQ he will be surely moved by the great signs related to emotions.
the social world in terms of in-groups and out-groups. An in- group comprises people we perceive ourselves to be similar to us (e.g., religion, skin color, etc.). We feel a sense of solidarity with members of the in-group. An out-group is defined as those who don't fit in the in-group. The solidarity and cohesiveness of the in-group inevitably leads to defining others different from ourselves as an out-group. But see how ALLAH created the LOVE between two things seemingly opposite from each other, different from each other. he’ll be bound to believe there is a GOD, there is a super natural power who has something to do with this. non-muslims and when they see its solidarity and peace they’ll be bound to think that there is something special about it and the special thing is sure it’s “DIVINITY”. but these things will surely appeal them and using this DAWAH technique you can bring them close to ALLAH. earth and the diversity of your tongues and colors; most surely there are signs in this for the learned. [30-22] Heaven and the earth. In no less then 64 places in the Holy Qur'an ALLAHdiverts our thinking towards the Heaven and the Earth. Moreover, the thing which is mentioned in the Qur'an many times, is that much important. Repetition is directly proportional to importance.
existence by itself. Its something we would not be able imagine even. Then how can the immense universe come to existence by itself. Doesn’t this remind you of the creator. Doesn’t this force you to think that some one really powerful, really intelligent, having all sorts of knowledge would have created these heavens and the earth in perfect have created it.
in the Qur'an 1400 years ago when the Qur'an was revealed. This also proves that Qur'an is the word of GOD.
heaven and the earth. (Restricting ourselves to the creation of the heaven and the earth). blast, we always find some sort of destruction. We see the loss of lives, loss of money etc. Had anything constructive ever happened out of a blast? Answer certainly is a big No! Did not the Universe and the heavens and earth came into result a result of a bang a blast; The Big Bang. How the perfect harmony? Everything, every detail from the atom, the smallest unit of matter, to the galaxies harboring billions of stars, from the moon, an inseparable adjunct of the world, to the solar system, all work in a perfect harmony. The big bang must have been a controlled blast.But who controlled it?Surely the Lord,ALLAH. |
Creation of earth specifically has something special related to it. The position of the earth is exactly at the place in the universe fit to support the human life. The precise amount of light and heat from the sun is reaching us. The perfect distance of the Earth from the Sun. Doesn’t this all ponder us to think that someone is behind this. The average person, if he or she has any knowledge of the Big Bang Theory, assumes that somehow an explosion occurred billions of years ago. He or she also assumes that in one way or another, our universe came to be, purely as a result of some accident of nature. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Unfortunately, this unrealistic picture has been reinforced by such popular science writers a. A closer look reveals God's magnificent work and precise design with close attention to the smallest detail of every process - all for a specific end. The unrealistic movements to get people closer to materialism have formulated theories such as the oscillating universe etc to exclude the event of Creation from the mind of the human beings. Because when we think of creation, we think of the Creator.
Hydrogen comprises 75% of the universe, playing a most vital role in its chemistry. Without it there would be no organic materials, no water and, obviously, no earth or oceans. It is, of course, possible that stars could have formed from helium alone if hydrogen did not exist, but they would have burned at a much higher rate. They would have exhausted their fuel in a very short time and exploded long before life could have developed anywhere.
There are thousands of such Accurate calculation in earth creation
The sesimic activity
The accurate distance from SUN
The above-mentioned example is just a single of the thousand examples available, which force us to think there is an element of creation in the universe. Its impossible for all of it to have come by itself. Look at the structure of water. It is full of miracles. Even if we look into our own body, the complex structures and the great accuracy force us to believe the reality the reality of creation and the reality of the great creator. A small change in the percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere, the distance of earth from the sun, the anomalous properties of water will cause all of us to die.
It is very much clear from the above example that why there are SIGNS for those WHO ARE LEARNED in the CREATION OF THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH.
The diversity of your tongues and colors :
A learned person knows that every person is different from the other biologically. There are many biological differences like the DNA and the finger prints. Even the twins differ. Means there is some divine power behind this. Let me give you a simple practical thing that might make this easy for you to understand. Start thinking of different shapes. You’ll think of Triangle, circle, square, rectangle, and parallelogram then back to Mr.Traingle once again. There is a divine power who thought of such different things.
How many different types of creatures are there. Who created them all? The parasites in your body, the strange creatures in the depth of the seas, the numerous types of birds, the small insects: who created them all? Did they all come to existence by a mere chance. Who gives food to all of them, Who gives them food in the depth of the seas and in the skies. Few creatures also live in the stones. Who takes the food there? Surely,the lord of all living things: ALLAH.
There are almost 200 million known species and surely there are many more still awaiting to be identified. There are almost 25,000 recognized types of fishes and about 200-300 new are identified each year. The small insects we see every where ; 1 million different species of insects have been identified so far. Did all those species come to existence own their own? Isn’t there a divine design behind it.
How far spread these animals are. There are animals (fishes) whish live in the depth of the seas. Some live in the air; touching the heights e.g. eagles. Some live in the deserts e.g. deserts. Some live in the ice caps e.g. polar bear, penguin. Some live inside other organisms: like the parasites in our own body. Some are too small to be seen with naked eye e.g. the parasites and the spring tails that reach a density of 50,000 per square meter (more than 5,000 per square foot). Some are so big that they are cannibals e.g. the white rhinoceros reaching a weight of over three metric ton and there are whale sharks, which can be as much as 40 feet long. Some have very sharp eyesight. Some hardly see. Some have extraordinary sense of hearing. Some do not hear at all. These are widespread about which ALLAH is talking in this verse and all of them have special features of their own. When we see the animals living at the poles, there bodily structure is the ideal one for them to live in the extreme cold. The fishes swim easily. The birds fly easily. The camels have the perfect structure for the desert. Did this all happen by chance?
Who will benefit from these facts and think of the divinity behind it…A person who is learned.
-----------TYPE of People mentioned in this verse in short are those people who Have EQ or those who are learned. The might not be humble enough to listen to whatever u say but they’ll get attracted when you tell these facts. This way you can bring them close to ALLAH.
Lets look at the third verse now
And one of His signs is your sleeping and your seeking of His grace by night and (by) day; most surely there are signs in this for a people who would hear. [30-23]
The type of sign mentioned here is
Your sleeping and your seeking of His grace by night and (by) day.
the alternation of days and nights, there is a sign for logical, wise people. The sun never catches up the moon nor does the moon catch up the sun. What this teaches us? When the sun reaches its peak, it starts coming down. The day does not remain forever nor does the night; showing us that this life is a temporary one. Everything here is bound to perish at its time. We will leave the world soon and others will take our place but what about the unsettled problems. Someone robbed your one-year savings. Someone kidnapped your innocent child and never returned him back. Who is going to give you the return and when? Learn what the nature teaches you. Everyday the alternation of day and night reminds you that soon you are going to leave this world. Soon you are going to die. Have you prepared anything for the world you are heading to?
This will appeal someone who is keen to learn and is a good listener. This thing doesn’t require great EQ nor IQ. It’s a pretty simple affair.
Despite one person's body lying on the bed, in dream he went on business trips, met new people, and had lunch while listening to music. He enjoyed the taste of his meal, became excited because of the incidents that happened, became happy and unhappy, was afraid and felt tired. He could even have driven a vehicle that he had not previously driven until that day and did not even know how to drive.
Although his body had been lying still in bed, his eyes shut , he saw different images from those of the place where he was. This means that what saw was not the eyes. Although the room in which he was lying was empty, he heard voices. Thus what heard were not the ears. Everything had taken place in his brain. Still, everything was very realistic as if every image had an original form. What is it, then, that although none of them has originals in the external world, forms such realistic images in the brain? Man cannot formulate these consciously and intentionally while asleep. Nor can the brain produce such images on its own. The brain is a bulk of meat made up of protein molecules. It would be extremely unreasonable to claim that such a substance forms images on its own, and that it even forms human faces, places and sounds never seen or heard before that day. Who is it, then, that shows the images in the dream while asleep? One who reflects upon such questions once again sees the obvious truth: it is Allah Who makes men sleep, takes back their souls while they are asleep, sends them back to them when they awake and shows them their dreams in sleep.
Someone who knows that Allah shows the dreams also reflects upon the dream's hidden purposes and the reasons for their creation. In one's dream, one is as sure of the people and events he experiences as when awake. We think that all of them really exist, that the lives we dream are uninterrupted and continuous. If somebody comes up to us and says, "You are having a dream now, wake up", we would not believe him. Someone who realizes this, on the other hand, thinks as follows: "Who can say that the life of this world is not also a temporary and dream-like life? Just as I wake up from a dream, one day I will also wake up from the life of this world and see totally different images, for instance, the images of the hereafter…"
(Excerpted with slight modifications from Harun Yahya’s book DEEP THINKING)
Won’t this appeal someone who will listen. This is what this ayat refers here.
------Type of People mentioned in this Ayat in short are those who don’t have good EQ or IQ but are those who are humble enough to listen to u
Let’s go to the last ayat.
And one of His signs is that He shows you the lightning for fear and for hope, and sends down water from the clouds then gives life therewith to the earth after its death; most surely there are signs in this for a people who understand [30-24]
The type of sign mentioned here in this ayat are
the lightning for fear and for hope
and sends down water from the clouds
life therewith to the earth after its death
before going with these types of signs….
Let’s go for the reverse procedure this time:
First lets us analyze the type of people mentioned
Those who understand. Some translate as those who are wise. The Arabic word used is “Ul ul Al baab”. The Quran itseld gives the explanation of “Ul ul albab” in Surah Ale Imran
Those who remember Allah standing and sitting and lying on their sides and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth [ 3:191 ]
I think its easy for you to conclude that these are person with both EQ and IQ. Actually the person will accept your message when your message is better then his.
See what the Quran has to say.
See the type of signs again.
the lightning for fear and for hope--------Related to thinking EQ ( don’t u know emotional people have an attachment with weather and nature their mood depends on the outside weather too with the inside weather)
and sends down water from the clouds-----(isn’t is completely related to science----IQ)
life given to the earth after its death ---- (additional info which will make ur thing more attractive)
Let me discuss life after death in detail
And will tell u then what sort of sign is it.
For those who listen: ALLAH makes the dead earth alive from water. We see this every day. How the 'living' plants come out from 'dead' seeds. Similarly after the end of this world, ALLAH will send a rain once more. And man will come out of the earth just like plants for the real life.
Narrated Abdullah ibn Amar that ALLAH's apostle Muhammad (S.A.W) said :Then the trumpet will be blown and he who hears it will bend his neck to one side and raise it from the other side. The first one to hear that trumpet will be the person who is busy in setting right the cistern meant for supplying water to the camels. He will faint and the other people will also faint. Then Allah will send or He will cause to be sent rain which will be like dew and there will grow out of it the bodies of people. Then the second trumpet will be blown and they will stand up and begin to look (around). Then it will be said: O people, go to your Lord. They will be made to stand there and they will be questioned. Then it will be said: Bring out a group (of them) for the Hell-Fire. It will be asked: How much? It will be said: Nine hundred and ninety-nine out of one thousand for the Hell-Fire. That will be the day that will make the children old because of its terror and that will be the day about which it has been said: "On the day when the shank will be uncovered" (Sahih Muslim Hadith no 1371)
Those with IQ: Rain drops that reach the clouds after being evaporated from the seas, contain certain substances "that will give life" to a dead land. These "life-giving" drops are called "surface tension drops". Surface tension drops form on the top level of the sea surface which is called the "micro layer" by biologists. In this layer, which is thinner than one tenth of a millimeter, there are many organic leftovers caused by the pollution of microscopic algae and zooplankton.
Some of these leftovers select and collect within themselves some elements which are very rare in sea water, such as phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and some heavy metals like copper, zinc, cobalt and lead. These "fertilizer"-laden drops are lifted up into the sky by the winds and after a while they drop on the ground inside the rain drops. Seeds and plants on the earth find numerous metallic salts and elements essential for their growth here in these rain drops. This event is revealed in another verse of the Qur'an:
And We send down from the sky rain laden with blessing, and We produce therewith gardens and grain for harvests (Surah Qaf, 9)
Salts that fall with rain are small examples of certain elements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc.) used for increasing fertility. The heavy metals found in these types of aerosols are other elements that increase fertility in the development and production of plants.
A barren land can be furnished with all the essential elements for plants in a 100-year period just with these fertilizers dropped with the rain. Forests also develop and are fed with the help of these sea-based aerosols. In this way, 150 million tons of fertilizer falls on the total land surface every year. If there were no natural fertilization like this, there would be very little vegetation on the earth, and the ecological balance would be impaired.
What is more interesting is that God revealed this truth, which was only be discovered by modern science now, and in the Qur'an centuries ago.
Those with EQ: There is another sign in the life of plants from the 'dead' seed. The tree, as is well known, grows up from a seed out of the earth. From this tiny seed (a seed is not even 1 cubic centimetre in size), arises an enormous wooden mass of 4-5 metres long and hundreds of kilograms in weight. The only thing that the seed can use while constituting this great mass is the earth in which it is buried.
How can a seed know how to form a tree? How can it "reason" to decompose the necessary substances in the soil to create wood? How can it predict the required shape and structure? This last question is especially important, because it is not an ordinary wooden piece that emerges from the seed. It is a complex living organism with roots for assimilating substances from the earth, with veins and with branches that are perfectly organized. A human being has difficulty in drawing even a picture of a tree, while on the contrary a simple seed can produce such an extremely complex object by merely using the substances in the soil.
This observation concludes that a seed is extremely intelligent and wise, even more so than we are. Or to be more precise, there is an amazing intelligence in what a seed does. But what is the source of that intelligence? How can it be possible for a seed to have such intelligence and memory?
No doubt, this question has a single answer: the seed is created by being endowed with the ability to form a tree, that is, it is programmed so in advance. Every seed on earth is encompassed by God and grows within His knowledge. In one of the verses it is stated:
"With Him are the keys of the unseen, the treasures that none knows but He. He knows whatever there is on the earth and in the sea. Not a leaf falls but with His knowledge: there is not a grain in the darkness (or depths) of the earth, nor anything fresh or dry (green or withered), but is (inscribed) in a record clear." (Surat al-An'am, 6:59)
Life from Dead includes all sorts of signs.
When u present this to a person with EQ plus IQ…will be surely moved…
----So the type of people are with EQ and IQ and the type of signs with EQ and IQ too….
Quran is surely the word of GOD
These are the DAWAH techniques mentioned in the Qur'an…
Use them… and feel the difference…
Every one can do DAWAH in what he is good. A doctor can do DAWAH in his field and engineer in his own. Just make it an aim that DAWAH is my aim. ALLAH will open doors for you.
Any queries???
Feel free to ask,
Your brother in ISLAM,
Muhammad Awais Tahir.